Pastor's Corner

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Our Leader & Pastor

Elder Dr. Lester Powell Jr.


Praises Be to the Almighty God,

I greet you in the matchless name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. As Pastor of Greater Mt. Zion FBH Church it is my pleasure to welcome you to this site and to invite you to come to one of our locations to share in our worship experience as well as to enjoy the Blessings of the Lord.

God is moving mightily in this hour and it is of the greatest importance that we as believers spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. In this end time God has given us a word for His people and our goal and objective is to walk in obedience of every word He speaks. So many hear his voice but continue in their own ways and with their own plan. But it is the will of God that we no longer do BUSINESS AS USUAL!

There are those who have yet to realize that we are in the last hours of the last days and are still operating Business as Usual, eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building.. God is calling us away from Business as Usual. He is looking for those who will go beyond themselves in order to prosper the Kingdom. Those who will go beyond the norm and will step out of their comfort zones to hear and obey what thus saith the Lord.

The devil is playing for keeps and is not concerned with your rituals or with a religious spirit. But in order to conquer over the devil in this day and time, we must become bolder than the devil through the power of the Holy Ghost. We must take back all the enemy has stolen by any means necessary.

This is our purpose and goal at Greater Mt. Zion. And again we invite you to come and help us slay Goliath. For together we can put the devil to a flight and win this world for the Kingdom of GOD!

Yours in Christ,

Elder Dr. Lester Powell Jr.