
6301 Old Mt. Holly Rd.

Charlotte, NC 28208

Once you come no one can take your place!

"If men could learn from history, what lessons it might leach us!’ is a quote by Coleridge. To learn from those lessons we must read history without passion and prejudice, without our own predilections. Because history is impartial, history tells a story that can do our souls good.

The history of Greater Mt. Zion spans thirty-six years, with is genesis in 1931. In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Onzlow Duren (of Old Plank Road), under the leadership of Rev. Saunders, a small body of believers organized Mt. Zion.

Later the house was constructed into a church and Mt. Zion was on its way to a dynamic and eventful course of history.

During its early history Mt. Zion had a number of pastors, including Elder Adams and Rev. Eckerdson, who had the distinction of being second and third pastors, respectively.

Mt. Zion made its advent into the Fire Baptized Holiness Church, under the leadership of Rev. James Leggett. Rev. Leggett pastored Mt. Zion for a number of years.

In November of 1947, Rev. Mrs. Lula Johnson was appointed to the pastoralship of Mt. Zion. Under her leadership a new church was constructed in the small community of Todds Park. The church was then referred to as Todds Park Mt. Zion. Mother Johnson served the congregation until her death in 1958.

As a result of Mother Johnson’s death, Rev. Mrs. M. F. Caldwell was appointed to provide leadership for the church, until the convening of the Annual State Convention. From this convention we emerged with a new pastor, Rev. Mrs. Lizzie White. During Rev. White’s pastoralship, a controversy arose concerning the ownership of the property on which the church was located. The controversy eventually ended in a court baffle in 1959. God victoriously won the battle for us, and we were awarded a clear deed to the disputed property.

Nineteen hundred and fifty-nine initiated a new era in Mt. Zion’s history. Rev. A. J. Lindsay, a young man of twenty-two was sent to pastor Mt. Zion. He found a congregation that dwindled to a few members which included Deaconess Donnie Gregory and her daughter Sis. Vaneva Fuller who had remained loyal to the church.

Rev. Lindsay set out to win souls for Christ. He was successful and God began to fill the church, with many members and their families which have remained faithful for the last thirty-eight years. Rev. Lindsay remained pastor until he was inducted into the army. Rev. Fred Butler was the interim pastor while Rev. Lindsay was away.

The next pastor was Rev. J. B. Robinson. His stay was short, because he became ruling Elder of another District.

In November, 1967, Rev. Matthew Traylor, came to pastor Mt. Zion. Rev. Traylor and his loving wife, Mrs. Hannah Traylor struggled many years at Mt. Zion. Rev. Traylor did his uttermost to help secure a new church building. He encouraged the growth of the Building Fund. He made many sacrifices, including a donation of two weeks salary to the Church Building Fund.

Spring, 1973, Rev. Walter Adams came to fill the void at Mt. Zion. We had been without a pastor for about five months. However, we remained faithful and prayerful under the leadership of the Deacon Board and Rev. Mrs. Lula Thompson who was serving as assistant to the pastor. Rev. Adams was a dynamic leader, with a head for business. After a few months of trying to renovate the church in Todds Park, he immediately decided to purchase another church.

In October, 1974, we negotiated with the Church of God to purchase the Church in Paw Creek which included a parsonage. We made the move to Paw Creek and became New Mt. Zion Fire Baptized Holiness Church.

Precariously, located between many huge oil tanks, we renovated our church, and praised God for blessing us with a church. Little did we know of the greater blessing the Lord had in store for us.

Rev. J. T. Elliott, a very talented individual, became our pastor in 1976. He remained until November, 1979.Rev. Franklin Nathaniel Mills, an individual full of love and compassion became our pastor in November, 1979. He was blessed to lead us during our greatest move. In September, 1980 the Hess Oil Company decided to expand. They immediately contacted the trustee board of New Mt. Zion. This set in motion the negotiation of the property at 7501 Old Mt. Holly Road. The trustee board which consisted of Mrs. Maggie Blakeney (treasurer), Mrs. W. Edwards, Mrs. Donnie Gregory, Thomas Jones, Gary Moses (chairman), Edward Stevenson, Charles Taylor, and Pastor F. N. Mills sold our property (eight-tenths of an acre) to the Hess Oil Company for well over a quarter of a million dollars. We were given the option of keeping everything on the property.

Greater Mt. Zion was erected between August, 1981 and April, 1982. Greater Mt. Zion located at 6301 Old Mt. Hotly Road sits on over six acres of land. It has a large sanctuary with a seating capacity of five hundred plus, fellowship hail and a parsonage.

Full of fire and preaching ‘pure Holiness’ the next pastor of Greater Mt. Zion was Rev. Alonzo Rodgers. Greater Mt. Zion began a growth spurt under his leadership. An individual full of love, he gave to Greater Mt. Zion the gift of love.’ Rev. Rodgers pastored Greater Mt. Zion from 1985 to 1990. The saints wept at his departure.

The age of the nineties was ushered In with our present pastor, Elder Dr. Lester Powell, Jr. Rev. Powell became our pastor In 1990. Rev. Powell is a visionary leader. Much of his vision is starting to materialize. Under his leadership, a Children’s Church Is skillfully being conducted, with an attendance of 50 or more children. The regular congregation Is growing and striving! Praise God for the dynamic leadership of Pastor Powell

Greater Mt. Zion journeys into the twenty-first century with the words of Psalm 135:1, Praise ye the Lord, Praise ye the name of the Lord; Praise Him, ye servants of the Lord.’